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A Clean Slate

by Margaret Cagle

I learned to add and subtract
When I was in first grade.
I wrote on a little slate
As my math foundation was laid.

If I got my answer wrong,
There was no need to cry.
I could wipe the slate clean.
Then I gave it another try.

On the pathway of my life,
The slate within my heart
Became very marred with sin,
And I needed a clean start.

I worked very, very hard,
Trying to erase all my sin,
But my slate remained marred.
I had no peace at all within.

Then I heard about Jesus,
How He died on a cross for me.
I accepted Him as my Savior.
From my sins, I am set free.

Yes, Jesus washed away my sin.
And now I have a clean slate,
And I am on my way to Heaven.
Hallelujah! I can hardly wait!

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