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The White Stone

by Kathleen Higham

Often as I walk the shore
My mind retrieves my past
The painful memories of a life
My first thoughts, then my last.

It seems I always go there
Punish myself with grief
Praying to God to heal me
Sustain my deep belief.

Still, here I am walking
Thoughts betray this mind
Of course, my wicked body
Does the same in kind.

Lord, I am getting older
This should pass me by
Yet, it lingers, lingers.
I can not fathom why.

Praying for a simple sign
Let my life become pure
I am so, so tired Lord
My weakness, hard to endure.

Was it love, or maybe not
Why do I remain the same?
Lost in this hurtful memory
Oh, how I grieve the shame.

Seeing a letter in my mind
I want to burn the lie
Watch the lines folding in
Flaming embers to the sky.

Lord, I beg you, take it
My tears fall in the night
Morning comes, I'm walking
I see a stone, immaculately white.

Reaching down, I pick it up
Then hold it to my breast
A gift, Your arms around me
My face pressed to Your chest.

Oh my God, my Savior
I inhale You, then I know
A sign from You, behold it
The stone, I shan't let go.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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