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Not For a Million Bucks

by Danette Kettwich © 2007

I often wonder what it would be like
If I could have anything I'd want
A big house and all the toys
What if I had a million bucks?

I dream about the things I'd own
If I won the lottery I play
But then the things money could buy
Will someday rust and rot away.

Then what good is a million bucks?

Everything that money could buy
Could't get me what I've got
A great love and a family
Let me tell you that is sure a lot!

Everything in life I've gained
Came from the sweat of my brow
All that is worth anything in life
You have to work at it somehow

That's worth more than a million bucks!

You have to work at love and faith
To make it worth your while
To get even a few steps ahead
You have to go that extra mile.

Faith and love is gained by work
But God's grace is always free
Do your part to help those around
So through you the world can see-

Rich is not having a million bucks!

You can have what money can't buy
Money can't buy grace and love
God's mercy and grace can't cost,
Not even for a million bucks.

I can tell mountains to move
I could buy a mansion on a hill
Without love an emptiness remains
That possessions could never fill,
Not for a million bucks!

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