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Blessings in Each Season

by Danette Kettwich © 2007

Trees have become dormant; skies are dark and gray;
There is no warm sunshine, to grace this dreary day.

Plants in quiet slumber; flowers are in their beds;
Creatures have found a place, to rest their weary heads.

Everything tucked under, a blanket of sparkling snow;
Protecting it from the winter's wind, as it fiercely blows.

The winter has lingered on, far too long it seems;
Seasons will soon change, and the grass will grow green.

Trees are gradually awakening; the sky is growing bright;
Flowers are rising from their beds; birds are taking flight.

All creation enjoying the return, of the warm sunshine;
All nature is praising God, for the return of this spring time.

The trees are gently rustling, in the warm and humid breeze;
Creatures are busy every where, from the birds to the buzzing bees.

Flowers are diligently making, fragrant, multi colored arrays;
Everything is enjoying, the long warm summer days.

Scurrying creatures begin harvesting their hoard,
Trees show their vivid splendor as if displaying for their Lord.

Rich breath-taking colors of bright orange, red, and gold;
The intense grandeur of autumn before our eyes unfold.

The bird begin to grow placid, they begin to fly away;
A hush surrounds nature, as if preparing to meditate.

The last of the fading flowers to the bees make a final call;
A new brisk coolness in the air, the season is now fall.

From the stillness of the winter, to the freshness wonder of spring;
Thank you, God, for showing me, the beauty each season will bring.

From the bustle of the summer to the winding down of fall,
My life like the seasons; let me see the blessings in them all!

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