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Letter To Mommy

by louis gander

Dear Mommy,

did I let you down?
Please mommy, tell me how.
I never tried to make mistakes,
Please tell me mommy, now.

I never caused an accident,
or broke your favorite vase,
or spilled my milk at dinner time,
or made a naughty face.

So mommy, were you mad at me?
I'd really like to know...
And yes, indeed, I kicked a bit -
but hardly hurt you so.

At meal time, I never whined.
I ate all I was given.
And though you mentioned God a lot,
I'm sure you were forgiven.

I hope I never hurt you -
if so, forgive me please.
Tell me - was I really loved?
Was I the least of these?

At first, I was a bit confused -
but now my thoughts are sorted.
...Mommy, I'd have hugged you if,
I hadn't been aborted.

I would have kissed you on the cheek,
We could have laughed and smiled -
but none of these are mem'ries now...
except for one,

-Your child.

This poem won second place for the November 2011 poetry contest

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