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I Wonder

by louis gander

Sometimes I wonder how a tree
can stand the way it does -
so crooked, gnarled and twisted.
I wonder what it was...

What made it lean way over -
it's shallow roots in mud?
Or was its last encounter a -
tornado? lightning? flood?

Though I am not an expert,
and haven't much, a clue -
I've often looked at people,
and wondered how they grew...

Opinions leaning way too far
with grumpy, creaking talk -
they're true 'un-timbered' miracles
with such unbalanced walk.

But God still pours out blessings.
His grace forever flows -
and nourishes the lazy root -
no matter how it grows.

Sometimes I wonder how a man
can stand the way he does -
so crooked, gnarled and twisted.
I wonder what it was...

This poem won second place for the June 2011 poetry contest

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