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The Rock And The Rope

by Kathleen Higham

I remember an old saying
That renders about lost hope
Encouraging one to tie a knot
Then hang on to that rope.

I think the rope is a fallacy
For me it's the rock I see
When I stand firmly upon it
All my hope rests in He.

The rock is solid, unyielding
Unloosened it will not come
The rope can tangle, unravel
It has been known to fail some.

Having traversed the ocean shore
I walked the rocks before me
My eyes have settled on a sight
A massive rope released from the sea.

It snuggled contented in the rock
Protected in this safety net
The rope trusts the rock completely
For all its needs have been met.

There is no quarrel of who offers
The teaching has been taught
The rope is tranquil and quiet
In the rock where peace is sought.

I remember an old saying
Tie a knot, hang on, I think not
The "Rock" is always beneath me
Upon it my salvation was bought.

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