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Life Be

by Kathleen Higham

The sound of the beating heart
God was the first to hear it
The total essence of out lives
Inside us, snug, a perfect fit.

The human heart, still at first
Touched by God, then a blink
Beating, beating, beating
His heart, my heart, in synch.

My heart once completely void
Then He came, He spoke, "Life Be"
God's light radiated eternally
Pumping His love through me.

A love that ebbs and flows endlessly
As a body warms, a face glows
My heart, a home where He dwells
A heart only God truly knows.

We cannot afford to lose this
Yet, sometimes a body turns cold
But, the heart beats on and on
In Christ, a heart becomes bold.

Still, a heart heavy with a burden
Can ache inside one's chest
But, God will be your guardian
In Him, your heart can rest.

"Come to me all who are weary"
In my heart, my God, I can see
When He spoke to my empty heart
These words, "Life Be, Life Be."

The beginning of my life was then
A tiny heart fluttered in me
A steady rhythmic pounding came
His heart, my heart, "Life Be."

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