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The Quiet Place

by Kathleen Higham

There is a quiet place
Where silence is His Word
The Spirit of the Father prevails
For not one sound is heard.

When suffering is beyond us
Agonizing in our disbelief
The Comforter, the Holy Spirit comes
Encompassing us in our grief.

There is a quiet place
Where words will not be spoken
Oh, the Lord, the Savior waits
Then tends to hearts that are broken.

Excruciating, impossible it seems
In the quiet of this place
Your Comforter dries the tears
As His breath touches your face.

There is a quiet place
That only you can know
You are shattered, but protected
When to this place you go.

Words are completely absent
Only moans and groans intecede
The Comforter understands it all
He cries to sooth your need.

There is a quiet place
If you surrender in His peace
The quiet place is Jesus Christ
In time, your pain will cease.

Romans 8:26
"We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot exress."

This poem was a finalist in the March 2008 poetry contest

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