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Assurance Coverage

by Margaret Cagle

Life insurance and house insurance,
And insurance on the car~
Let's not forget health insurance.
I think we're covered so far!

Insurance coverage is important
In this present day and age.
We have policies here and there
And rules on page after page.

We say we are insurance poor
Because of the premiums we pay.
All that coverage comes with a price.
"You must have it!" they say.

"Assurance" is a comforting word
When we speak of eternal life.
No assurance of eternal salvation
Can make lives filled with strife.

The Bible makes it very clear
That salvation will endure
Throughout the ages of eternity.
Forever, soul salvation is secure!

You can have assurance coverage
If you accept Jesus, the Savior.
Your soul will be saved eternally,
Even when your faith may waiver.

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