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Your Son

by Kathleen Higham

There is no pain as this
God knows about a Mother
A Son died on a Cross
There is no pain, no other.

All will suffer fiery trials
For a little while, God said
Grief may come and crush us
When from a loved one, life fled.

There is no pain as this
When a Mother loses a son
She falls to her knees, broken
Remembering in her womb, as one.

Tears of life dry, then end
But the memories never fade
A tiny hand rested in yours
Then a Mother was betrayed.

There is no pain as this
No answer to her prayer
Anger comes in gasping breaths
Questioning, "God do You care?"

How could this ever happen?
In your body this child grew
In a second, gone forever
The son so loved left you.

There is no pain as this
But the Mother of God, she knew
Her Son was crucified before her
She fell to her knees too.

Oh Lord, there must be peace
I pray that You draw near
Your Son, my son, together
Perfect love casts out all fear.

John 4:18

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