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The Day I Forgot To Pray

by Kathleen Higham

I remember the day vividly
Because I forgot to pray
A dear friend suddenly stricken
Her face turned a deadly gray.

Quickly I pulled her to me
Then a panic, a feeling of dread
Oh please don't let me lose her
So many words left unsaid.

Thirty some years touched me
For a second, a crushing grief
Then she moaned, spoke to me
Bringing a temporary relief.

I remember the day vividly
Because I forgot to pray
Thought she had died in my arms
Reliving the horror of that day.

Lord, you know I prayed after
As a still body came to life
You had come to rescue her
A husband so grateful for his wife.

We have prayed with passion
It is what Christians do
This miracle of life, another gift
All the glory we give to You.

I remember the day vividly
Because I forgot to pray
Could not utter a single word
Shocked, in complete dismay.

Holding my friend to my heart
The Lord carried us both today
As strength and peace came to me
Because God remembered to pray.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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