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His Story

by Belinda van Rensburg

Move closer and listen; I'll tell you a story
of the Prince of Peace; the Son of Glory
Who long ago on this earth did dwell,
to save us from sin and death and hell.

It happened one beautiful starry night,
when one star in particular shone very bright;
it guided the wise men to Bethlehem -
to a humble stable which they did not ken.

God's angel appeared to some shepherds that night
who were tending their flock under the moon bright.
Glad tidings the angel to them did impart,
then they sang and praised God with joy in each heart.

The streets ran red with blood and with tears;
babes slaughtered because of King Herod's fears -
but Joseph fled with his wife and the babe
in the dead of the night to escape the king's raid.

The Christ child grew up and became a man
and all went according to our Father's plan,
for Jesus became so wise and so strong,
and He never once sinned or did anything wrong.

He made fishers of men, sent demons away;
preached on a mountain and taught us to pray,
He healed the sick and He cured the lame,
and commanded all men to do the same.

He raised His friend Lazarus from the dead,
And taught us never to worry or fret
over what we should wear, or drink or eat -
since God will supply everything we might need.

God's only Son (as yet unsung) -
while soldiers laughed and had their fun
hung upon that cursed barren tree,
shedding His Blood for you and for me.

He hung there, dying, all alone...
He did what He did for our sins to atone.
"It is finished" our Savior said -
then He hung His head and was pronounced dead.

They pierced His side but broke not a bone
before they sealed His grave with a stone -
when the two women returned after three days
They found the tomb empty; the stone rolled away.

God's shining angel dressed in bright white,
who made the guards shiver and faint with fright
told the women "Don't be scared; do not fear,
for Jesus has risen and He is not here".

Go now and spread the Good News to all -
tell them to answer the Father's call;
for all who believe in Him will be free -
Jesus the Christ from Galilee!

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