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by Kathleen Higham

He knew the moment of your birth
As a tear came to His eye
Pondering the trials to come
Then He blessed you with a sigh.

Every time your heart would break
Pain claimed you, anger rebelled
But, Jesus gently touched you
And the rage was silent, quelled.

Your life was truly a struggle
Filled with confusion and fear
Mistakes, some were very costly
Yet always, always, He was near.

An understanding came to you
There's only one way to survive
Yet, a part of you still held on
A sin that would eat you alive.

You were walking with the Lord
Holding back this one desire
Even though you burned for Christ
Another flame became a fire.

Until you finally surrendered
A gift, a brand new start
A moment when you acquiesced
Accepted a husband to your heart.

Still, sometimes our humanness
Allows us to rule the day
The angry heart creeps in again
Then steals our peace away.

Oh, praise God for His mercy
For there is nothing He won't do
His love is so encompassing
As He brings a child to you.

This birth fulfills His promise
Her name, Jada, one who is wise
Her smile, absolutely mesmerizing
With amazing, beautiful eyes.

A husband to be a minister
A wife who makes him complete
A daughter born a miracle child
A family sits at Jesus' feet.

I see a beautiful woman
Having a servant's heart for sure
The love of God is in you
There is nothing you can't endure.

A strand of three bound together
Our Lord dwells in your soul
Dennis, Jada, a gift to you
At last, at last, you are whole.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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