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God's Perfect Plan

by Donna Hendrix

The world lay lost deep in sin
Awaiting the Messiah to lead them in
Over the small town of Bethlehem
Shone a bright star; yet to some so dim

Shepherds watched their flocks in the field
Praying for what a new day would yield
An angel appeared with the joyous news
They were afraid as the heavenly host grew

Peace on Earth; good will toward men
For the Shepherd has come to lead them in
A tiny infant lay in a barnyard stable
The Son of Man, born to enable

Shepherds hurried to see their king
Praises for the new day this would bring
They spread the news to all their friends
The Messiah is here to make amends

Many marveled at what they were told
Awaiting the Shepherd to lead the fold
But many would not respond to the king
Refusing to believe; and to old ways cling

This tiny miraculous gift of God
Was sent to save man from where He trod
He offers peace and light to all
For all of mankind He took the fall

Won't you open your heart to the Son of Man
Receive God's gift; His perfect plan
The guiding star that shone so long ago
Still shines today, so Him you may come to know

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