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Delicate Strands

by Donna Hendrix

Delicate strands knitted together with love
Created by the master artist above
Each and every thread is unique
More valuable than any antique

Every fiber is crafted a certain way
Yes, He is the potter and we are the clay
Each and everyone is designed by God
Placed in the womb leading to the path he'll trod

There are no imperfections and no mistakes
He crafted one and all for the road they would take
He knew you before He ever placed you in the womb
Knows all about you; doesn't have to assume

He knew where you'd live and your destiny
Knew the type of person you'd grow up to be
Every life He crafted with His hands
Knew how you'd fit right into His plans

There are no accidents in this life you lead
There's a reason for everything even when you bleed
Every motion that we make has a reason in time
As well as every rocky road and hill we climb

God knows the ways of our heart
He gives choices as to the life we'll impart
He loves us all unconditionally as a father should
But He will never make you follow even though He could

Precious children that He knitted one by one
Hoping one day they will accept Him through His Son
Rejoicing in the day He can bring us all home
Where His children will never more have to roam

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