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You are Home

by Danette Kettwich © 2007

Birds that have flown
Far from the home,
Of their warm and cozy nest.
Must at some time return
For they do yearn
For a quiet place to rest.

We like the birds
When gone from God's word
Have traveled from where we began.
Out of God's will
Our hearts are not filled
And we long for God's presence again.

So won't you come home?
From where ever you've flown
God's waiting with arms open wide.
Come back to His will
Your heart He will fill
And feel God's presence inside.

Your heart will rejoice
At the sound of His voice
Speaking to you through His word.
You've returned to the nest
And found a place of rest
Now He speaks and His voice is heard.

You are now home
From where ever you've flown
Into God's arms, open wide.
Your back in His will
Your heart is now filled
You feel God's presence inside.

You are home!

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