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Where will I go?

by Danette Kettwich

I was sitting on a park bench as relaxed as can be,
When a nice young man started a friendly chat with me.

We talked about our kids and about the latest in fads.
He asked if I go to church, and I said that I had.

He then asked a question that seemed strange to me,
If I died today did I know where I would be?
I looked at him strangely the politely replied,
"I think I will go to heaven today if I died."

He then asked, "How could I be sure that I am?"
I then said, "I go to church as much as I can
I do things for people; I'm as good as I can be,
I give money to charity and I help those in need.
I don't swear very much and then I don't drink,
So heavens where I will go-I think."

He said, "You think you will see God some day.
Can I show you, you can be sure of the way?"

He then took out a Bible and showed me a verse.
Romans 3:23 tells of the sinners curse.
It says we all have sinned and are not worthy of God.
He asked me if I though I ever sinned, I gave a nod.

Then in Ephesians 2:8-9 said I couldn't get to heaven by good works.
That only by the grace of God through faith said the verse.

I then asked, "If I can't get to heaven by being good,
How can any one get there? Show me if you would."
"Gladly," he replied with a friendly simile.
"I'll show you the way if you can sit for a while."

To John 3:16 he turned in the Bible he cherished.
God sent His only son to die for me so I would not perish.
Which means that, not being a Christian saved by His grace,
Into a lake of fire we will be cast never again to see His face. (Revelations 20-15)

Matthew 8:12 says there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
This was definitely a place I would never want to be!
I said, "Please tell me what am I to do,
So I can be sure I will live in Heaven too."
(Acts 16:30-31)

1 John 1:9, He flipped through the pages again.
"If we confess our sins," He began,
"He is faithful and just to forgive our sins,
And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness within."

I asked, "If I confess that I do sin,
God will forgive me, is that where I begin?"
"Yes," he said, "and believe Jesus died for you.
In Romans 6 verse 8 states what is true.
Even if you were the only one in the whole world wide,
God loved you so much He still would have sent His Son to die."

"This is too easy," I said with a frown.
"There has to be more to this than it sounds."
"Read through 1 John 5:12-13, He that has the Son has life,
He that has not the Son has not life,
These things I have written so,
Eternal life you will know."

I asked him, "How do I put this all into words?
How am I sure my prayer will be heard?"
He asked me if I wanted to pray it with him.
We closed our eyes and our prayer did begin.

"Lord, we come to you this day,
We bow before you and humbly pray.
Lord my heart is truly full of sin,
Please forgive me Lord and make me like new again.
I know on the cross You died for me.
Please enter my heart and help me to see.
Show me the ways that I should go,
Show me in Your word how to make our relationship grow.
Help me to let every one know the love I have for you.
Please make your light shine brightly through.
Thank you Lord for this new life to me you've given,
In Jesus Holy name I pray, Amen."

He then told me my next step was to find a good church home,
That preaches what he taught me and helps me to grow.

He said this new life I have is a wonderful thing,
A new life in Christ, what joy it will bring.

He also said there might be times when I fall astray,
But He will forgive me and show me the way.
He said that if I had any questions I could give him a call,
I thanked him tenderly for the truth of it all.

I left that bench a new person that day,
All because someone showed me the way.

If some one comes to you and asks you this same question,
Be sure you know that you are going to Heaven.

You see, we don't know how long on this earth we'll stay,
It could be tomorrow, so be sure you know today.

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