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It's Still The Best Policy

by Margaret Cagle

Gary didn't like selling used cars,
But jobs were really hard to get,
So he tried his best to sell a car
To every customer that he met.

At first, Gary was very honest.
The cars' problems he would tell,
But the more honest that he was,
The fewer cars he would sell.

During the times of fewer sales,
Gary's finances always were met,
But Gary said, "I need to sell
At every opportunity that I get."

Gary started to avoid the truth
When the customers dug for facts.
In his Christian life, principles
Began to really get weak and lax.

Gary began to sell more cars.
Yes, he increased his sales count,
But troubles began to plague him,
And expenses then began to mount.

Gary then felt the Holy Spirit
Dealing in his heart within.
One night he fell on his knees,
And he repented of his sin.

The next day he met a gentleman
Who wanted to buy a certain car.
Gary knew the car had problems,
And it was over priced by far.

Gary was honest with the man,
But he bought that car anyway.
Then came a very great surprise
To Gary on the very next day.

The car buyer returned to Gary.
He said, "I have an offer for you.
I need an honest guy like you
To manage my business too."

Gary was glad to take the offer.
He felt like it was God's will.
He also learned a valuable lesson.
"Honesty's the best policy still!"

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