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Make Time

by Belinda van Rensburg

This is a rough life, a tough life at best,
with so little time to stop and to rest.
No time to think on heavenly things,
since each new day it's own trouble brings.

We slog and we work just to pay the bills -
we have to buy food, our clothes and some pills.
The rent has to be paid, that is for sure,
so we hope we have the strength to endure.

From morning till night we work just to survive;
we rush here and there like bees in a hive.
It is do and do, and do some more...
Pray, what is it we are doing it for?

Sure, there are things which we sorely need,
but need is not the same as greed.
We need shelter, clothes and our daily bread,
and this God will supply so we need not fret.

Jesus says that His burden is light.
He knows what we need all day and all night.
So make time to ponder his Word and to pray,
and He will supply all our needs every day.

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