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The Unseen Line

by LouAnne Valencia

The Unseen Line

There is a line unseen
that man will cross at death's ravine.

What foolish folly the rich man did play,
The dance of wealth had carried him away.

Impeccably dressed in the finest array,
night after night and many a soiree.

All covered in sores the poor man did lay
only dogs to lick his body's decay.

With outstretched hands at the rich man's gate, but Sir, If only a morsel would fall my way?

No pity, not a glance, this rich man displayed, so caught up in the everyday.

There is a line unseen that man will cross at death's ravine.

That night the angel of death did ring
as both crossed the great ravine.

Oh! What is this a dream?
My soul, my soul, the rich man screamed!

Father Abraham one drop of water my only plea, to stop this flame, I beg of thee!

Remember your lifetime of pleasure and glee?
Now Lazarus, the beggar has been set free.

There is a line unseen that man will cross at death's ravine.

What about my five brothers who don't know this end? Please, send someone to testify unto them!

Remember Moses, and the Profits?
What more do they need? If One came back from the dead would they believe?

I tell you the truth, Jesus died for your sins. Yes, the only one who rose again. Do you believe?

There is a line unseen
that man will cross at death's ravine.

Based on: Luke 16

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