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Men Like Us

by Belinda van Rensburg

The Lord's disciples were a motley crew,
and not very different from me or from you.
They were actually twelve very ordinary men,
but in spite of that Jesus still chose them.

There were times when they were not very brave,
and did not always know how to behave.
Some wanted to know if they were greater than others,
not realizing in Christ they were called to be brothers.

In the garden they lay themselves down and slept,
while Jesus prayed alone to the Father and wept.
The zealot Iscariot betrayed Christ that night,
but Jesus would not allow Peter to fight.

One denied Christ afore the crow of the cock,
and although hotheaded became known as 'The Rock'.
When Thomas doubted that Christ was alive
he cried "My Lord and My God" when he felt Jesus' side.

Emotions like doubt, fear, anger and pride
were not very easy to repress or to hide,
and although they were just very ordinary men,
they were wholly transformed when the Spirit touched them.

They witnessed in power and preached to the lost,
and did what God told them no matter the cost.
They followed their Master in all that they did,
and plucked many souls from the bottomless pit.

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