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Our Legacy

by Belinda van Rensburg

When earth and its creatures were perfect and new,
God gave it to man to protect and subdue.
But stewards turned into uncaring abusers,
now all life on this planet are victims and losers.

Forests cut down, murdered and burning,
causing black smoke, bubbling and churning.
Fossil fuels unearthed and abused,
planet earth's bounty by man misused.

"Oh, no! Gas costs so much these days,
but let's use too much of it anyway."
Killing our planet for convenience and fun,
until there's nowhere to hide or to run.

Atomic fallout and acid rain:
destroying our crops and our babes are born maimed.
The screams of our planet echoes in deep space -
Is that the great legacy of our race?

Let's change earth's fate and not violate
its abundant resources before it's too late.
Prevent hunger, destruction and hell on earth,
for generations to come still awaiting their birth.

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