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In His Name

by Donna Hendrix

This man Jesus died upon the cross
That my life would not be a total loss
He took on all my sin and shame
Oh that I should live in His name

He came to earth to die for me
This perfect sinless man He grew to be
His life was about His Father above
To teach and minister out of His love

He healed the sick and brought dead to life
Gave peace and comfort through much strife
Confronted the teachings of the pharisees
Knowing all the while He would die for me

Miracle after miracle followed Him across the land
People would ask, "is this the Son of Man?"
He walked side by side with His disciples in Christ
They not understanding what would be the price

He prayed in the garden for His Father's will be done
Knowing His blood would be shed before the setting sun
He willingly suffered the humility and pain for my sin
Giving me the only chance to enter heaven within

I died with Christ upon that cross
He loved me enough to pay my cost
He took on my horrible sin and shame
The very least I can do is live in His name!

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