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The Window To God

by Kathleen Higham

I am incredulous of the gift
That God would seek my pen
He chooses every written word
And He even chooses when.

My mind reels in wonder
When a new friend, I greet
His window opens wide for me
God plans for us to meet.

The words so softly spoken
Though not for me to hear
A silent ripple stirs my heart
Then a vision of words appear.

Encompassed by an amazing peace
As my faith begins to grow
Understanding His love for me
When endlesly words flow.

How I cherish every moment
Through the window I can see
That God designed so perfectly
Each soul He brings to me.

There are no words to thank Him
So, I pray I will always be
Looking through the window of time
Where Grace comes, sets me free.

I am incredulous of the gift
A window to God, words penned
I am incredulous of the gift
That God would be my friend.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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