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Hold On Tight

by Robert Hedrick © 2016

When you've got The Best, hold on tight,
If it's this good, then it will feel just right.
So good some will try to see you lose it,
In the beginning, urging you to refuse it.

Beware, temptation is headed your way,
Danger is the game you are ask to play.
Worldly pleasures are before your eyes,
Some of Satan's sin in cleaver disguise.

One bite and a second's easy to swallow,
Another prodigal son in the hog's wallow.
Then it's down hill as sin's gained control,
Growing to block the portal of your soul.

Yet with The Best, your defense is strong,
As A Higher Force moves evil ones along.
Jesus can darken these for He's The Light,
So get a firm grip on Him and hold on tight.

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