Deep inside...
well below the surface
underneath the skin
lies a mystery and it's purpose
but few there reside and fewer enter in
it halls quietly beckoning
its rooms challenging call
a place there for reckoning
where one can bare it all.
Few desire to search...
not knowing what to inquire
curious but unaware
of the depth within its spire
a cathedral with all its fare
made holy by its creator
with instruments all in place
its vessels there for honor
In this most reverent space.
But now it is empty...
and all is deathly quiet
this chamber all but abandoned
no money to be made in it...
no position to be secured...
no practical relevance
in a material sphere of success
a world defined by acceptance
and all that we possess.
And so in the end we go...
Hollow to the grave
can't take our material possessions
can't keep everything we crave
all alone with our obsessions
there is nothing left to save
but it's never to late for confession
that we are not a slave
to this world's physical repression
to this earthly enclave
For we do have a choice...
to follow this world and its wind
and let others rule our life
or seek refuge within
where there's peace from its strife
and reach our ultimate goal
because deep within its cavern
there exists the ultimate worm-hole
to the Master and Ruler of Heaven
Who made all and even the soul