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by louis gander

God showers me with blessings -
too many to be named.
And He has given me so much -
so much, I am ashamed.

Though I have lost possessions,
(some former wants and needs) -
I'm steered to where I wish not go,
as my Creator leads -

and made to walk in valleys deep,
so great, the length and breadth -
and made to go to distant lengths,
and sometimes near to death.

He showed me all that I had missed
to understand His scene -
and made me walk on water,
and through His pastures green.

But sight? None can imagine -
the view beyond the skies -
to see what can't be understood
with selfish, simple eyes!

His blessings once confused me,
and camouflaged my pride,
and I just couldn't see His love,
'till I set 'me' aside.

Yes, God has showered blessings,
too many to be named -
and He has given me so much -
so much, I am ashamed.

And yet, His greatest blessing,
so many years before -
was that He gave His only Son.
What blessing is worth more??

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