I will speak, Lord
And I will raise my voice
For you have loosed my tongue
And have made it to rejoice
And I will speak, Lord
Yes, I will praise your name
For there is not another
Who makes the heart again
Yes, I will speak, Lord
And will tell of your love
For when wallowing in hate
You have lifted me above
And I will speak, Lord
And will shout your glory
For while this world confines
You have broken its category
Yes, I will speak, Lord
And I will sing your wisdom
For the heavens your workmanship
And everything in it your kingdom
I will speak, Lord
My tongue unrefrained
For you its maker
It can not be constrained
I will speak, Lord
And will shout to the heavens
Joining all nature
In its ceaseless celebrations
I will speak, Lord
I will raise my voice
Singing your praises
And with all I rejoice
Yes, I will speak, Lord
For I have no choice
For you alone have given
All tongues their voice
Yes, I will speak, Lord...