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by Linda Williams

From many, so few
Are called, elected.
By Divine favour,
Handpicked, selected.
Anointed with oil
Poured over the head.
For priestly service
Aaron's sons were bred.

Aaron and altar,
Tabernacle, bread,
Turban and vessels,
And long bushy beard.
Sacred oil poured,
Fragrant, four spices.
Olive oil blended
For sacrifices.

David o'er kingdom
Anointed with oil.
Honour bestowed him
On Israeli soil.
Field, then Chair seated,
Majestic is known.
Royal appointed,
Destined to the Throne.

Jesus as Prophet,
High Priest and a King,
Oil of the Spirit
Poured over Him.
Sovereign, Beloved,
Great Anointed One.
Elect of the Father.
Obedient Son.

This poem was a finalist in the August 2008 poetry contest

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