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Could it be?

by Paul Purday

Could it be, that walking in the fields is where His hands have been?
Could it be, that flying drops of water are prisms never seen?
Of the Creator's eyes, that view the wonders He has made
Of mountains, valleys, rivers, and the whole landscape arrayed.

Could it be, that winging birds of glorious plumage, sing His song?
Could it be, He rides the myriad beasts that in the plains will throng?
And could He guide the sailor's eye as through the ocean's roar?
To bring him safely home again and all his craft ashore.

Could it be, that Eden's beauty was fitted for a King?
And all creation longingly would soon break out and sing
The glory of the Maker's art, the wonder of His plan
Until the culmination of His gift, the gift of man.

Could it be that man could roam the earth, and still be free?
Could it be that his wrong choice, from then on would decree?
A different world, a world less kind, for always would be known
For war and trouble, as man would tread his selfish path alone.

Could it be, that God would mix with man and intervene?
On our behalf, and take our case, and die within this scene
As Man, the judgment of our sin to bear, and be the Way
Back to the God whose tender love our wandering feet betray.

And all may see, where on that Cross His hands and feet were nailed
The greatest love the world has known, and has been now unveiled
The way back home, greater than Eden, and this home will be
The Father's House, the perfect land, through all eternity.

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Book by Paul Purday

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