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What If?

by Patricia Joan Polhans

What if Jesus Christ were never born
In the stable that Christmas morn?
There'd be no Christ child lying in the hay,
Nor would there be a Christmas day.

There'd be no shepherds in the field that night
Guiding wise men to the perfect light.
No one would know of the virgin birth
For Christ had never touched the earth.

There'd be no church or Sunday school
No one to teach the Golden Rule.
The lost sheep would, all, be gone forever
For they would not know the Holy Shepherd.

We would not know of God's holy wisdom
Nor find help in making difficult decisions.
We'd never experience a perfect love
Until Christ came, but...he never was!

If the Christ child were never born
We'd be forsaken and all forlorn.
We could not hold one another close
Had we not experienced the Holy Ghost.

Affection would be a thing of the past
For we'd never have a love that would last.
There'd be no comfort for those who mourn
For the Holy Spirit was never born.

There'd be no insight or spiritual visions
Or a gospel to preach to those in prison.
There'd be no hope for the lost
If Jesus had never died on the cross.

There'd be none to set the captive free
And there'd be no hope in our suffering.
Healing would run away and hide
For stripes would never have touched his side.

When life was over whate'er'd we do
With the emptiness, despair and gloom?
There'd be no hope of heaven but only hell
That none would talk about or tell.

It would be a very sad and cruel world
For every man, woman, boy and girl.
Whate'er'd we do, whate'er'd we say
Had Christ not been born that first Christmas day?

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