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The Perfect Plan

by Patricia Joan Polhans

The angel appeared unto Joseph in the small town of Bethlehem
And said Mary had conceived a child even though she'd know no man.
The angel conversed with Joseph and told him not to be afraid
For Mary had conceived of the Holy Ghost much to everyone's dismay.

So Joseph accepted Mary and took her to be his blessed wife
And for him to love and comfort her was never a sacrifice.
So the Savior was born in Bethlehem unto that mortal man
And was raised as his own son to calm the talk of foolish man.

Joseph was his earthly father and Mary was the one
Who'd been chosen to have this Holy Child from the Blessed One.
They raised him as their very own even though in reality
He was conceived of the Holy Ghost as the angel said he'd be.

So Mary was taken to Bethlehem where she bore this Child of God
In that lowly little manger where many a men had trod.
The angels danced with exuberance as Mary gave birth to God's son
And all around the angels rejoiced; Angels! Yes! Every one!

He was raised as Joseph's child but a surrogate father was he
Until Jesus grew into a young man and went to Calvary.
He died a horrible, cruel death upon that crooked tree
As Mary and Joseph stood by him through all his anxiety.

The earth trembled, the thunder roared as Jesus gave up the ghost
For not even heaven considered him to be that awesome host!
He'd taken on the guilt of many as he 'came the sacrifice for our sins.
The iniquity was so great that he groaned and travailed within.

Yes, his love extended to many as he stretched his arms to die
And even the Roman soldiers considered bowing their heads to cry!
For it was only then they realized that he was truly the Son of God.
And they all gave praise and thanks to him while standing there in the sod.

The pain that Mary had witnessed was more than her heart could bare,
Seeing this child she had born and raised dying alone up there.
Her body fell into a heap upon the dry, parched ground
As Joseph rushed to her side, around her body, his arm did surround.

Mary cried uncontrollably as they took Jesus body away.
They placed him in a tomb with Roman soldiers guarding the way.
For they all remembered the things that Jesus whispered and said,
"Destroy this temple if you must, but in three days it will rise again!"

During those three days Jesus went down into the pits of Hell
And took the keys from Satan for, of this, he had to tell.
Then Jesus rose up from the grave with more power than ever before.
As the soldier lay sleeping the angel rolled the stone away from the door.

For he wanted all the people to know that Jesus had arisen
And that he had taken the keys of death, Satan's final prison.
As he rose up victorious over death, hell and the grave
The Roman Soldier guarded the sepulchre where Jesus had been laid.

They were afraid that someone would come and steal his body away
And tell people that he had risen on that third and final day.
But the Roman Soldier fell back as Jesus rose up into the air.
His heart began pounding as he saw him standing alone up there.

The soldier grew faint for lack of being able to understand
How Jesus could've done this for he was thought to be but a mortal man.
Then Jesus appeared to many just as he said that he would
And Mary was now comforted for now she understood.

No power of evil darkness could ever stop the Son of Man
For the Father had a purpose for him and for us, the perfect plan!

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