Who is this man, coming on the clouds with glory?
This man who is called "lamb of God' what is his story?
On a white horse he rides, wearing scarlet robe.
Everywhere he is seen, across the entire globe.
He commands the angel armies of heaven.
He holds a scroll with seals on them, I think it was seven.
He came not to serve like he did before,
He is on his way to settle the score.
He said when he left, so also he shall return,
So many made the wrong choice, and now they stand with concern.
He takes us to a place already prepared,
And from his coming wrath on the earth, we all were spared.
Forever with him, in peace and joy we will be
Not because of who we are, but the price paid on a cross by Thee.
Romans 12:1,2
"...Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."