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The Great Designer

by Patricia Joan Polhans

The Great Designer, to earth, from heaven came
To form all of creation, oh, praise his dear name!
He designed a world in which man could dwell
And worked out every single and minute detail.

He made earth from the dark and void less deep
And put angels around it to surround and to keep.
He divided the dark mass into land and sea
So it would be suitable for human life to be.

God provided for man every shrubbery and root
And had given to them every vegetable and fruit.
He formed the green grass and the trees so tall.
Yes, the Great Designer, Lord God, created it all!

He put in fragrant flowers with beauty so fare
And created a garden where life could dwell there.
The scents of the flowers were sweet and many.
And could be plucked and put into bouquets by any.

The fragrance was sweet and nothing could compare
To the beauty that God managed to place in there.
No thorns, weeds or thistles, nor displeasing thing.
Only beautiful branches upon which the robins sang.

He designed every animal with such intricate detail,
Formed the clouds in which the birds and eagles sail.
From the rarest of animals to the most common ones
He designed them all but he was not done!

From the porcupine, to the aardvark, to the rare species of things,
To the flamingos and swans, he made anything with wings.
He painted the leopard, the zebra and the giraffe,
Designed the deer and formed all of his habitat.

For more variety, he made the turtle and the peacock,
Designed frogs and lizards that sat upon the rocks.
He put the fish of the sea in their proper place
And made such a variety than one would be amazed!

Then he hung the stars out into the heavens above
And he did it all according to his great love.
Oh, yes, He was the Great Designer, oh, yes, indeed!
For after all of this he created Adam and Eve.

Yes, he made the most beautiful of all his creation,
A human being so fare, yes, this was his decision.
Man was formed from dirt, the dust of the earth
And from the rib of Adam came the first human birth!

She was born of a man, formed from his side,
Near his heart, where she'd, forever abide.
He breathed into their nostrils fresh, clean air
And gave instructions to Adam for she was under his care.

He called her woman for she was taken from his side
And he was to love and comfort her with much, great pride.
The Great Designer had breathed life into it all,
The most perfect of perfection, the Lord God did it all.

There they could have dwelt through all eternity
In sweet communion with God as he intended it to be.
No crime or sickness and not ever a complaint,
Only divine fellowship with him and he his saints!

They could walk with God in the cool of the day
And have his presence so near in each and every way.
As they entered the garden they sensed a new fragrance there.
'Twas the aroma of the Holy Ghost, nothing else even compared!

Not roses or daisies were as sweet as this 'Living Plant'
For it was new, indescribable, and far from being scant!
Its' sweet fragrance engulfed them as they were strolling there
Into the beautiful garden that the Designer had prepared!

Genesis 2:8,15
And the Lord God planted a garden... and there he put the man that he had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the dress it and to keep it.


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