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Tears from Heaven

by Patricia Joan Polhans

I sent a greeting card to Grandma tied to a balloon
To see if she was fine for she passed away so soon.
The balloon was filled with helium so that it would rise
To take my card to Grandma and hope for a reply.

I watched it sail upward as far as my eyes could see
Hoping to reach heaven where Grandma waits for me.
I watched my message soar behind the highest cloud
In hopes that Grand would read it and shout right out loud.

I prayed for God to deliver it into my Grandma's hand,
"And, please tell Grand, I love her, Please tell her if you can."
The last time I saw Grandma she was lying on her bed.
As many tears filled her eyes, this was what she said,

"I am going up to heaven, oh, please don't cry for me
For when it rains outside, they'll be tears sent to you from me.
Tears that will let you know just how much I'm missing you
And how I love you very much and will see you very soon."

She must have received my letter for it started pouring rain.
Then, I remembered what Grandma said before she passed away.
The rain came down in torrents from the darkened skies.
"They must be tears from heaven flowing from Grandma's eyes."

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