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Song of Love - The Most Excellent Way

by Patricia Joan Polhans

And now I will begin to show you
the most excellent way.
It is the path of love
that I will teach you this day.

Though I speak with many tongues
of men and of angels
And have not love
I am only a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy,
can fathom all mysteries.
And have faith to move mountains
as far as the eye can see,

But if I have no root for love
I'm good for nothing at all!
For my flesh is but clay,
secreting bitter gall!

If I give all that I may possess
to the poor and the lame
And if I surrendered my body
unto the fiery flames.

It wouldn't be of any profit
to my Lord and my King.
For if I have not love
there'd be nothing to be gained.

For love is patient and kind,
not envious or proud.
Love is not boastful or rude,
nor is it quite loud.

Love doesn't seek opportunity
to have its own way.
Nor does it make others
seem like they're castaways.

Love's not easily angered,
keeps no record of wrongs.
It does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the strong.

Love must always give protection
and must always persevere
As it hopes for strong affection
to draw it very near.

True love does not ever cease
in doing others good
But brings sweet prosperity
to souls of the brotherhood.

So you see why love's important
to have lying around.
For without the Holy Spirit
love could not be found.

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