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Baby Talk!

by Patricia Joan Polhans

(Baby talking to God)
I was but a tiny wee babe
within my mamma's precious womb
When my frame was knit together
inside the hallowed secret room.

You created my inmost being,
Made my innermost, private thoughts.
You knew all 'bout my character
And knew that my future was not.

(Baby talking to mother)
I was so wonderfully made.
Within your effeminate womb
that was where I joyfully played
until my life had been consumed.

(Baby talking to God)
Your merciful eyes looked upon
my little, frail unformed body
My beauty was growing feeble,
but to my mother I was lovely.

(Baby talking to mother and God)
All of my numbered days had been
unmistakably marked out for you.
Though they were so very short lived
and considered only a few.

You gave me my limbs and body,
Gave me the precious breath of life,
Many fingers and toes to count
and everything that should be nice.

(Baby to Mother)
But pitch darkness fell upon me
Your face I shall not never see.
"But mommy, please, be comforted
For my God will care for me."

"Even in the darkness I shan't
ever forget your lovely face
As you fixed your gaze upon me
And placed a kiss upon my face.

"But now I shall finally rest
within my Father's loving arms
Where the nebulous storms of life
shall never ever cause alarm.

"You'll never experience my laughter
or play with me little kid games.
And I'll ne'er follow your footsteps
walking by the cool, trickling streams.

"But one thing we will always share
Is one body and one dear heart
On the day that I was conceived
You knew that we would never part.

"As I was knit closely knit together
within your delicate, small womb
Only God could know that I would
be taken to my home so soon.

"But I know I will always live
so very deep within your heart
For we were a mother and child
sharing this one passionate part."

Into my mothers life I brought
Many heartaches and many tears.
(Baby to Mother)
"But, Mamma, I'm with Jesus, now
Sharing all my precious baby years."

"He bounces me upon His knee
and holds me safe upon his lap.
Everything that I have needed
He has given me without lack!

"Mamma, I did not ever mean
to recurrently make you cry.
But God called has called me to come home
because he needed me tonight.

"I was not ever afraid, Mamma,
That's why I just lied very still
Knowing this was the only way
For the Master to perfect his will.

"Sometimes he takes our hand to lead
to lands that we find are unknown.
But he is bringing me safely,
Mama, to his heavenly home!"

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