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Ode to My Pastor

by Eric Dobransky

To walk in the footsteps of Jesus takes more than just good shoes,
To understand that Jesus died for us is more than just good news.
To be a man of honor, you must first understand the cost,
Deny yourself, submit to God and then pick up your cross.

To hear the words “I love you!” come booming from the sky,
To see a band of Angels cheering you on as you walk by
To understand that Heaven will one day be your home,
To realize that Jesus Christ is still seated on the throne.

These truths were bound inside a book, just waiting to be told
But who would be the one to turn the page and be so bold?
It takes a man of integrity, a man whose prayer comes before his pride
A man whose best friend has the words true and faithful written on his side.

How wonderful are the feet of him who bring good news to men
Who preach the wrath of God and yet can still remain your friend
A man who mourns with you through sad times, and counsels you through strife
A man who prays with you through trials and laughs with you through life.

I stand before you here and now, to say thank you once again
I am truly blessed to know you and to have you as my friend.
You’ve helped me learn and grow so much since you lead me to the Lord
So I thank you for your faithfulness, and I trust that great is your reward.

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