Each passing day upon this earth
I’m drawing near my death,
Each time I fill my lungs with air
I’ve left one fewer breath
As time goes on I close the gap
From start until the end
These labours cease the day that I
My tabernacle rend
What then of all those fleeting things
I’ve laboured to acquire
Or what of those I’ll leave behind
Sooner than desired
My deepest heart shall be laid bare
My motives once concealed
Shall in the brightness of my Lord
Be perfectly revealed
And what suppose ye would He find
A heart of rapturous joys
Or one of grief still of the world
Bereft of friends and toys
Should I with sadness and regrets
Now spend my living days
Or rather let eternity
Direct my wayward ways
Don’t worry of those left behind
Don’t fret or be afraid
It’s not like God who’s led til now
Can’t lead without your aide
Possessed by our possessions we
Bind fast our earthen ties
So comfortable that when God calls
“So soon?” each one replies
Set your affections up above
Not here upon the earth
This vapour shall soon fade away
To your eternal birth
The hope of those “In Christ” is such
It makes the world grow dim
They count but loss those things they’ve gained
They’ve all in all, in Him
Consider now the greater good
Is it to live or die?
If life means earth and death means Heav’n
Tis hard to choose, but why?
The moment those “in Christ” do pass
Eternity is theirs
The “well done” heard from Jesus lips
Erases all their cares
Suppose we all decided now
To take God at His Word
We choose not to be scared again
But trust the things we’ve heard
Imagine if we faced the grave
With hope and joy and trust
Because in heaven’s treasure store
No moth, no thief, no rust!
Consider if the world looked on
Just utterly amazed
If Christians practiced what they preached
And faced the grave unfazed
In light of this eternity
And promises He’s giv'n
Let’s realign our focal point
And set our sights on heav'n
So bear in mind the lesson here
Don’t run headlong to die
But when God calls to take you home
Just say “Lord, here am I”
It’s guaranteed the time will come
When each must round the bend
What blessed joy the Christian has
To know it’s no dead end
This poem was a finalist in the
July 2018 poetry contest