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Light Vs. Darkness

by Danette Kettwich

I sit in the darkness;
I cry out in the night.
Shadows all around
My life is full of fright.

I feel dark upon me,
An eerie mist of sin
Tugging at my heart,
Begging "Let us in."

Beyond the dark I hear,
Calling out my name,
A faint yet fervent voice,
"Darkness I will tame."

Still I let the darkness
Eat this heart of mine.
Yet linger did the voice,
"Do not cross that line."

"Survival here is worth
More than you can see.
Reach towards the light
Darkness it will flee."

One night the dark was
More evil than before.
The voice spoke gently,
"Open up Light's door."

I called out to the Light,
The Voice bidding me.
I cried out, "I need you."
"Lord, please let me see!"

"Help me get beyond,
The dark restraining me,
Let me see Your glory,
Set this captive free."

Then the evil shrieked;
The murky darkness fled
Great Glory shone around
In the shadows stead

My life has another captor
The darkness stays away
The Savior of my life holds
The sinister dark at bay.

This poem was a finalist in the September 2008 poetry contest

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