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Love Letter from God

by Patricia Joan Polhans

Dear children of earth,
I just had to send a note and tell you today
Of how much I love you and saw you yesterday.
You were walking and talking with your friends.
So I waited all day for it to come to an end.

Just hoping you'd want to talk with me, too.
But as evening drew near I did not hear from you.
I gave you a beautiful sunset to close your day
And a nice cool breeze to soothe you on your way.

Though I longed to hear words from your tongue
You did not draw near me, you didn't even come.
It made me sad and many tears filled my eyes
And within my heart I began to cry.

I saw you fall asleep on your pillow last night
As I spilled upon you the soft moonlight.
How I longed to reach down and touch your cheek,
To awaken within you a heart complete.

I wanted to rush down so that we could talk.
But you didn't notice me, you didn't even look
Today you looked so very sad and alone.
If only you would invite me into your home.

I have so many gifts for you in store,
Riches in abundance and so much more.
But I won't push you for I'm a gentle man,
I'll just sit and wait patiently, for salvations' plan.

But, still, you haven't noticed that it is I
Though I try to tell you in the deep blue skies.
I whisper your name through the flowers and trees,
But you did not notice that it was even me.

I send soft incense through the flowers that glisten.
Still, you do not hear. You do not even listen.
I shout love to you in the mountain streams.
I clothe you with sunshine through the evergreens.

When will you see, when will you hear,
Through the nature scents that perfume the air?
Though I send love songs through the birds that sing,
Still, you have not noticed that I am your King!

What will it be that will capture your attention
So that we may spend an eternity together in heaven?
Please R.S.V.P.
Your Heavenly Father

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