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by Belinda van Rensburg

Good morning Mr. Caterpillar, how do you do?
Might you perchance be interested in a brand new you?
No thank you friend, I do believe that I'm just fine this way,
for someone complemented me only yesterday.
Sparrow told me that I am delectable and fat,
and I doubt that your proposal's able to beat that.

Quite right you are, Sir, it is true:
big and beautiful are you,
but you are also unprotected
and now it seems you've been selected
as Sparrow's meal this very eve.
Can you the danger here perceive?

Yes friend, I can see I'm wrong,
but I have been a worm so long;
I've grown quite comfortable this way,
and this old body's made of clay.
How then can I be made brand new -
could you perhaps give me a clue?

You have to die 'fore you can live,
for death always precedes rebirth.
Trust your Creator and let go;
have faith in Him and you will grow.
Great change in you will now be wrought;
for this you have been dearly bought.

Oh little worm, behold! Behold!
It happened just as you've been told:
a brand new creature you've become
since you accepted Christ, God's Son.
The worm's become a butterfly;
free to fly in His blue sky.

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