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Rahab Was Justified

by Margaret Cagle

God's great love is amazing!
He can transform one's life,
Turning us into justified ones,
Giving contentment and ending strife.

Some sins may seem so great,
And some sins may seem small.
You can always depend on God.
He is able to forgive them all!

Rahab was a known harlot,
Living in the town of Jericho.
She received Israel's spies
And hid them secretly, we know.

God honored Rahab's faith.
How wonderfully her family fared!
When Jericho fell to Israel,
Rahab and her family were spared.

Rahab is in the ancestry of Jesus,
We see in Matthew one, verse five.
We see she was justified also
In James two, verse twenty-five.

Rahab is an example of faith
In Hebrews eleven, verse thirty-one.
It seems that Rahab was forgiven
Of all the sins that she had done.

Though you may be a great sinner,
You too can also be justified.
Accept Jesus as your Savior.
For your sins, Jesus Christ died.

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