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Gift of Love

by Patricia Joan Polhans

She was the Lord's precious gift of love,
Placed here on earth with guidance from above.
She knew where to draw all her strength from.
When death was near a Crown of Life she'd won.

Now, she is forever in His loving care.
Life here's o'er but it's just begun up there.
I know she's rejoicing with all His angels,
Healthy and happy throughout all ages.

Our dear loved ones will miss her so much
But always remember that she's in touch.
Thru good times and bad, we'll have mem'ries.
She'll be loved fore'er, I can say this with ease.

The breath God's given to bring New Life
Has put an end to all of her strife!
We loved her dearly, none can replace
The love cherished by her tender grace.

She fought a good fight, this friend of mine.
Oh, that we'd hug and kiss her one more time.
Now, only mem'ries are all that remain.
She 'as our gift of love, that's always the same.

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