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Mamma's Mansion

by Patricia Joan Polhans

Mama yearned and longed for a beautiful home,
Nice new furniture, bedding and even a phone.
We were as poor and needy as any could be
But in poverty she still managed to care for me.

All mama's life she yearned and longed for a nice home
Where she could raise her eight children and not be alone.
She worked hard in her bait shop and made only pennies
That she stored up for her dreams which were many.

Only to one day be removed from this earth
And taken to a place where she found new birth.
God had so much mercy, love and tender grace
That he filled her dreams of a nice home and a place

Now mama understands though here she'd no nice home
But, now, in heaven a mansion she now owns.
With floors of transparent gold and great walls of jasper,
As she lives each day with her Lord and Master.

Though it seemed her labor here was only in vain
It was a precious labor of love all just the same.
Life for mama had been hard upon this old earth
But, now, in heaven she has a lot of material worth!

"I go to prepare a place for you that where I am ye may be also."

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