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Follow the Leader

by Belinda van Rensburg

I watched a film the other day
About a man who went away -
One day he simply upped and walked;
He looked not at the sights nor talked
But kept on moving through each day
And from his course he did not stray.

Quite soon he was joined by others;
They bonded and became like brothers.
Though that man never did explain
They followed blindly just the same;
They never asked 'where to' or 'why'
But trudged along through wet and dry.

Then came the day that he just stopped;
He turned around and their hopes dropped.
Where should they go - what should they do?
They were so lost and turned 'round too.
Thus, without ever looking back
That man abandoned friends and track.

He had neither goal nor vision;
Stillborn; doomed was his whole mission.
Totally hopeless from the start
He plot his course without a chart
Leading his followers astray
For he could not show them the way.

Not so, my friend, with me and thee,
For we can very clearly see;
We've a purpose and a vision;
We've been sent on God's own mission.
Whether our paths are straight or bent
We'll follow Jesus to the end.

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