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by Margaret Cagle

When Andrew found Christ, he sought to tell another.
He first found Simon, who was his own brother.
"We have found Messiah!" Andrew exclaimed.
He's the promised One, "Jesus," He was named.

Andrew brought Simon to Jesus that day.
Jesus beheld him, and He proceeded to say,
"Simon, son of Jona, Cephas shall be your name,"
Which is "stone" or "petros;" the meaning is the same.

Andrew is an example of what we should do.
We need to bring others to Jesus too.
There are more lost sinners than ever before.
Some of them may even live next door.

Our pastor is also an example, you know.
He witnesses to others where'er he may go.
Whether the doctor's office, gas station, or store,
He gives a nice compliment to open the door.

We should all follow these examples so great
Because for some people, it may be too late.
People are headed to Hell, yes, everyday!
People need the Lord! Let's show them the way!

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