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by iAn Stephens

How can one truly care
If you haven't been all the way there
Is it just 'sorry' that we feel?
For someone so down at heel

To know ones' true suffering my friend
You must to their hell descend
Experience all the loss, pain and sorrow
That leads to lack of hope for the morrow

Sympathy and empathy are all very good
But is ones' personal pain ever understood
Deep down inside it is hidden
Won't come out even if bidden

On your face it is strongly sketched
In ones' eyes it is forever etched
On your heart it is deeply engraved
Permanent reminders of what you have braved

If you have wondered how you got through
It's because Jesus was always there for you
He has experienced all your heart-rending emotions
Provided you love and care with the deepest devotions

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