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by iAn Stephens

Our lives come and our lives go
We often feel as if we don't have much to show
Many exist only from day to day
Our Lord doesn't want us to live this way

We think that because we aren't world famous
Or haven't invented something totally outrageous
Because we are just Moms or Dads
Not some high falutin college grads

Our belief that copious quantities of money
Will make our lives like milk and honey
All these things combine to keep us back
When actually there is absolutely nothing that we lack

Tis not our outside appearance that counts
Our station in life also to nil amounts
Tis the love we feel for the almighty Lord
The love He returns with all due accord

Thus we are wealthy beyond all our dreams
Gathering love and riches in rivers and streams
Our lives we may now enjoy with many blessings from above
We live in the confidence of His love

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